
Proving God and His Qualities

3 years ago

Learning the Logical and Islamic View on The Existence of God

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Created by: Imam Sadiq Seminary

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Learning the Logical and Islamic View on The Existence of God

Published en 31 Aug 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • How to prove the existence of God.
  • The intelligent design of the world
  • God's Qualities and Attributes
  • God's Justice and the reason behind calamities
  • Pre-destination and freewill
  • Requisitos

  • There are no prerequisites for this course
  • Descripción

    In this course, students will explore the logical and Islamic view on proving God and His qualities.

    The instructor first answers this important question: “Why should humans think about God and recognize Him?”

    There are three main questions we humans have to answer:

    1. Where have we come from?

    2. Where are we now and why?

    3. Where will we go afterward?

    - Then he talks about the two ways to know and recognize God. The first way is innate inclination. And the second way is observing and looking carefully into the world as the signs of God.

    - After that, the instructor explains what does the intelligent design of the world tell us about its creator? With a quick glance at the world, we realize that the world is not in disorder. Rather, all phenomena are in motion, moving towards a clear and determined direction.

    - This truth is clear for everyone’s conscience that whenever an order exists in a facility, this show intellect, thought, a plan and a goal. Through the mentioned points we come to the conclusion that there is a creator, who created them in the order and has Power over them.

    - Most often, God’s qualities are divided into two groups: those which God has (qualities of beauty or thubutiyyah) and those which God is free from (qualities of majesty or salbiyyah).

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Anyone interested in the origin of the world and its existence
  • Those who want learn about the Islamic view on proving God and His qualities

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): PROVINGGOD
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