How can I redeem a coupon or gift code for a course?

Coupons and gift codes can be redeemed at However, coupons and gift codes are currently not supported on our mobile app. If you have a coupon or gift code for a course and would like to redeem it, you can quickly do so in the basket.


Find your Course

Make your search for the courses you want to purchase. In the image to the right you can see two arrows:

The first indicates the menu section (Free Coupons), you click and it takes you to the Courses that currently have a free coupon or discount.

The second indicates the specific course, you click and it takes you to the details of the course.


Get Coupon

This part shows all the details of the course, now scroll down to the final part. In the image to the right you can see one arrow:

Now you must locate the Get Coupon button, click and it takes you to the official page of the course


Add to cart or Add to Cart

After choosing your Course, click on the "Add to Cart" button. After that you can continue browsing and adding more courses with the same process.

It is necessary to observe well before adding to the basket that the coupon is Valid and the price appears as 0.00.


Go to basket

After Add to Cart. Click on the "Go to Cart" button


Buy your Course

Click on the "Pay" button


Log in

If you already have an account proceed to register

Now if you are new you will have to create an account (complete the form and start session) Click on the button "Sign Up Now"


sign up now

Now that you are logged in, click on the "Enroll Now" button.


Start Course

You already managed to enroll successfully now enjoy the course by clicking on the "Start Course" Button 🥇 Success!

Click Here for more details on how to buy Courses
