
Machine Learning Bootcamp: SVM,Kmeans,KNN,LinReg,PCA,DBS

3 years ago

Hands-on Machine Learning

Free USD $19.99

Created by: Shrirang Korde

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Hands-on Machine Learning

Published en 10 Jul 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • Applications of Machine Learning to various data, Unsupervised Learning, Supervised Learning
  • Requisitos

  • simple programming knowledge is added advantage
  • Descripción

    The course covers Machine Learning in exhaustive way. The presentations and hands-on practical are made such that it's made easy. The knowledge gained through this tutorial series can be applied to various real world scenarios.

    UnSupervised learning does not require to supervise the model. Instead, it allows the model to work on its own to discover patterns and information that was previously undetected. It mainly deals with the unlabeled data. The machine is forced to build a compact internal representation of its world and then generate imaginative content.

    Supervised learning deals with providing input data as well as correct output data to the machine learning model. The goal of a supervised learning algorithm is to find a mapping function to map the input  with the output. It infers a function from labeled training data consisting of a set of training examples.

    UnSupervised Learning and Supervised Learning are dealt in-detail with lots of bonus topics.

    The course contents are given below:

    • Introduction to Machine Learning

    • Introductions to Deep Learning

    • Installations

    • Unsupervised Learning

    • Clustering, Association

    • Agglomerative, Hands-on

    • DBSCAN, Hands-on

    • Mean Shift, Hands-on

    • K Means, Hands-on

    • Association Rules, Hands-on

    • (PCA: Principal Component Analysis)

    • Supervised Learning

    • Regression, Classification

    • Train Test Split, Hands-on

    • k Nearest Neighbors, Hands-on

    • kNN Algo Implementation

    • Support Vector Machine (SVM), Hands-on

    • Support Vector Regression (SVR), Hands-on

    • SVM (non linear svm params), Hands-on

    • SVM kernel trick, Hands-on

    • SVM mathematics

    • Linear Regression, Hands-on

    • Gradient Descent overview

    • One Hot Encoding (Dummy vars)

    • One Hot Encoding with Linear Regr, Hands-on

    • Info about Datasets

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • python programmers, C/C++ programmers, working of scripting (like javascript), fresh developers and intermediate level programmers who want to learn Machine Learning

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): SMTML10JUL
    Udemy UK

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