
[2021] React Native Made Easy

3 years ago

Master React Native Fundamentals Using The Latest Javascript Features.

Free USD $19.99

Created by: Omar Maksousa

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Master React Native Fundamentals Using The Latest Javascript Features.

Published en 02 Jul 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • Building Native Mobile Applications
  • React Native
  • React Native Best Practices
  • Javascript Development
  • Publishing Application with Expo
  • Requisitos

  • Basic programming skills
  • Descripción


    Basic JavaScript knowledge such as how to declare a variable and how to declare a function

    React Native Framework
    is a framework for building Mobile Native Applications for IOS & Android. In this course we will learn React Native using Expo Platform. The thing that makes this course special is the way of teaching. First of all, during lessons there will be no assumptions that the student knows any prior knowledge of the topic, teaching with such assumptions can harm the learning process.

    The second and most important thing is focusing on fundamentals. This is not a zero to hero course, because we do not believe on this saying. This is the course where you will build a strong base that is going to benefit you in all your later stages of your career.

    We will learn Navigation, State Handling, Props, Hooks and lot more.

    1. Installation & Setup where we will setup our environment.

    2. Getting Started where we will run our Hello World Application and learn the basics in React Native.

    3. Project One where we will practice the basics we have just learned.

    4. React Native Deep Dive where we will start with more advanced stuff.

    5. Project Two where we will practice logical statements and simple state.

    6. Project Three where we will practice state manipulation and mobile application design.

    7. Javascript Essentials needed features from Javascript that are necessary within your React Native learning.

    8. Hooks we will get to know the most used hooks in modern mobile application development.

    9. Native Device Features Interacting with the most used native features.

    10. Project Four where we will practice handling external network requests

    11. Third Party Libraries integration where we will be learning how to interact with third party providers

    12. Navigation where we will learn how to handle the navigation in React Native

    13. Final Project where we will put all the things we learned in action.

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Developers aiming to enter mobile applications field

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): 69581E9CB1EE9753D264
    Udemy UK
    • #React Native

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