
Qt 5 Core for Beginners with C++

3 years ago

No experience necessary, learn Qt C++ cross platform programming on windows, mac and linux for beginners using Qt 5.

Free USD $19.99

Created by: Bryan Cairns

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No experience necessary, learn Qt C++ cross platform programming on windows, mac and linux for beginners using Qt 5.

Published en 07 Mar 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • C++ for beginners

  • C++ programming

  • Qt

  • Qt 5 Core

  • Variables

  • Scope

  • Pointers

  • QObject

  • Command line programs

  • Input and output

  • Flow control

  • Functions

  • Signals and slots

  • Casting

  • Error handling

  • Templates

  • QString class

  • QList class

  • QVariant class

  • QT Creator

  • Cross Platform Development

  • Requisitos

  • Internet connection and a desire to learn

  • Descripción

    Write once, build anywhere – Qt runs on virtually anything. You probably have applications built with Qt running on your computer, smart phone, television, and other electronics.

    No experience necessary, this is a beginners course that will teach you the foundations of both Qt 5 and C++. This course is meant as a direct replacement for an introduction to C++ class. This course starts off with simple topics such as "what is a variable" and ends with some basic Qt classes and how to work with them. The main focus of this course is to get the student a solid foundation to move forward from. At the end of this course you will be able to create basic applications using C++ and Qt 5. This course overs Qt 5. Because Qt 6 has so many changes, I will re-record these lessons using Qt 6 and place them into a different course, check my instructor profile for updates.

    We will start with basic foundational concepts such as variables and each section moves into more complex topics such as templates, classes, error handling and how to use some of the Qt 5 classes includes in the core library. This course uses C++ and Qt Creator which is the best IDE for developing cross platform applications using Qt that can run on Windows, Mac, Linux, embedded devices such as a raspberry pi, iPhone and Android.

    This is the starting point for all other Qt 5 courses on that are available on Udemy.

    Qt 5 Core Intermediate

    Qt 5 Core Advanced

    Qt 5 Widgets

    Qt 5 QML

    Qt 5 Design Patterns

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Anyone wanting to learn the basics of C++ and Qt5

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): A154B6E42C0321AE475D
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