
PSM1 Exam Simulation

2 years ago

Each Simulation Exam contains 80 Practice PSM1 Exam Questions. A total of 160 Practice Exam Questions.

Free USD $19.99

Created by: Michael Tang

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Each Simulation Exam contains 80 Practice PSM1 Exam Questions. A total of 160 Practice Exam Questions.

Published en 13 Oct 2021

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • 160 High Quality PSM1 Practice Exam Quesions.
  • Every PSM1 Exam Practice Question is with a Correct Answer and Detailed Explanation.
  • Give you an opportunity to practice PSM1 exam twice. Each mock exam contains 80 questions.
  • Give you confidence to pass the real PSM1 exam on your first try after practicing 2 mock exams.
  • You can practice as many times as you want.
  • Requirements

  • No programming or project management experience required.
  • Description

    Each simulation exam contains 80 practice PSM1 exam questions. A total of 160 practice exam questions are provided in this course. The passing score for the PSM1 exam is pretty high, 85%. That means you can only miss no more than 12 questions in a total of 80 exam questions. So, I encourage you to try to score above 90% on both simulation exams before taking the real PSM 1 exam.

    Please do not try to memorize any questions or answers in practice exams since the questions you will see in the real PSM1 exam might be different. Instead, try to understand the question and explanation if you do not get a correct answer for each question.

    Most questions are constructed to test your knowledge with the Scrum Guide. Please read the Scrum Guide 2020 multiple times before taking a simulation exam. Also, the Scrum Guide 2017 can be a good reference as well since a few questions might still be related to the Scrum Guide 2017. Please also review the Scrum glossary in the Scrum official website since a few terms such as burn-down chart that you should be familiar with before taking the exam.

    Please take advantage of free Scrum Open Assessments offered in Scrum website. Please make sure that you practice enough and you do not miss more than one question for each assessment like Scrum Open, Product Owner Open, and Developer Open. You will see a few questions from Open Assessments in your PSM1 exam.

    Good luck in pursuing your PSM1 certification!

    Who this course is for:

  • Anyone tries to get the first or additional professional certification recognized in IT or high tech industries.

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): FF541F55DFBA62ED9F7A
    Udemy UK

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