
Business Fundamentals For Small Startups Entrepreneurs.

3 years ago

A Step-by-Step Guide to Plan and Grow Your Small Business From The Ground Up.

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Created by: Nour Boustani

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Plan and Grow Your Small Business From The Ground Up.

Published en 06 Dec 2020

Udemy UK

Lo que aprender谩s

  • Understand how customers buy and design a unique selling proposition that fits their unmet wants, needs, and desires.

  • Leverage competitive research to understand your market gaps and find a profitable niche.

  • Learn how to find white-label, drop-shipping, or global outsourcing suppliers that fit your business needs.

  • Learn how to plan and design efficient operational processes and run your business like a non-stopping machine.

  • Learn how to calculate the costs of running your business to say afloat and profitable.

  • Learn how to price, position, and market your product so you can attract and sell to the right customer.

  • Create a well-defined business model and go-to-market strategy.

  • Bonus: Learn how to present your business with visual elements such as logo, colors, and product photography beautifully so you can stand out and elevate your brand value.

  • Requisitos

  • Before you purchase this course, please make sure to read the course description and watch the free preview videos. Make sure that this content is what you are looking for; if not, you still have 30 days to refund your money!

  • The course is packed with visuals and examples, a lot to cover in 120 mins, so you need to be 100% in focus, no multitasking! Make sure to grab a notebook and a cup of a drink that you desire.

  • This course will be talking about different aspects of creating successful planning for your new startups such as personal planning, fundamentals of customers and market analysis, accounting basics, marketing, and visual communication, so please keep an open mind if there is something that you can not understand, you are more than welcome to leave me a message.

  • This course will NOT be talking about the legal structure of how to register a company.

  • This course will NOT be talking about how to find investors.

  • This course will NOT be talking about how to make a minimum viable product.

  • This course includes complete English subtitles.

  • Descripci贸n

    I liked the way of teaching especially practical examples and assignments and other resources. You specifically cleared the basics.

    - Abhishek X

    A great course for those who want to start from basic. I recommend this course which will be helpful to learn many more things to initiate.

    - Animesh Hrishi Das


    Most small businesses are unable to get off the ground for many simple reasons that could be avoided with proper planning and preparation, put it simply, to start a "successful" business, you first need to know how to plan for a successful business.

    Some situations that people normally mess up with while starting out are a lack of basic business skills and knowledge, following misleading information, ignorance with not doing a market and competitive research, inefficient process, and lack of marketing plan.

    The primary aim of this course is to solve those problems and guide you to avoid as many mistakes as possible, it's your go-to-book for building a solid foundation while minimizing the risk.

    I understand as an entrepreneur that creating a business requires hard work and investment, and when you are starting, you should not suffer or pay a high price for small mistakes that could be avoided, you just can't afford it!

    In this course, we will take care of the fundamentals through case studies, real-life examples, and exercises, take out all the fluff, misleading information and put you on the right track, I will do my best to give you a clear and focused process to follow, so you don't have to go through all the frustration, time-wasting, misleading and inefficient activities.



      It all begins with you, your current situation, your time, skills, strength, and weakness, you are the foundation of your business, once we understand where you are at right now and your goals for your future business then we can start planning for your business around it.


      If you are starting with a product, then stop immediately. It costs me $20.000 and two years of frustration to understand this critical point. A lot of small business entrepreneurs get into the habit of starting with a product without thinking of how is it going to fit their audience in the first place; this could be deadly for a small business with a little to no investment.


      In this course we will begin with people pains, hopes, and limits, we will talk about different consumers and buying habits, how and where to find them, and how to create a robust solution and package it into a robust and unique selling proposition that talks to them directly.


      Do you know that most entrepreneurs get into a market without even doing simple research, it's like going to your wedding without knowing who you are getting married to. Business newbies get into a new market without realizing that it's a declining or saturated market. Well, this should not be you.


      In this course, I will walk you through real-life examples with a step-by-step process on how to research market segments, profitably, and how to study your competition on a deep level.


      Suppliers are your business friends and partners. Once you define your customers and research your market, you should be able to form an idea about your solutions and product; this is the time to look for the best suppliers possible.


      In this course, we will talk about different types of suppliers for different types of industries and what cons should you be aware of and pros to be looking for.


      Building a successful business requires a team effort, regardless of its being composed of two or twenty people, the process of finding the perfect talent that fits your business value and financial situations are the same.


      In this course we will talk about different hiring, where to look for talent and what should you be aware of.


      Most of the small businesses operate without a consistent and scalable process, which makes them end up with unscalable, unpredictable, and inefficient results. They spend their time working and getting exhausted in the business instead of building systems and working on the business.


      In this course, I will walk you through examples and case studies on how to create an effective and simple process for your business to generate consistent and predictable results so things won't go south on you.



      I believe that you don't want to end up out of business pretty soon, do you? Tons of small companies run out of money and operate at a loss to end up with massive debt, massive damage, and life exhaustion. This should not be you!


      In this course, I will walk you step by step through a simple and precise method and provide you with the essential tools for structuring your costs, finding your break-even, and do a profitable business.


      Although this course is not specifically designed to talk in-depth about marketing and sales, I will make sure to put you on the right track and show you the big picture of how to market and reach to your audience, will walk you through examples and real-life studies on the process of positioning, pricing and offering your product.



      Visuals are one of the essential elements that reflect your brand image and interact with your audience, in this course I will explain to you all the different logo design, what makes a strong logo, and what should you avoid, we will talk about colors meaning and how to choose the right color schemes that reflect, match your brand personality and your voice.


      Learn the rules for creating strong brand photography, how should you communicate your brand message through products/story-telling photography, and what should you avoid.

    驴Para qui茅n es este curso?

  • Entrepreneurs are starting a new small business and need a guide to planning for their new startups.

  • Small business owners who are struggling with their current business.

  • Small business consultants who need to get a fresh and more in-depth view of creating a business plan.

  • Full-time or part-time employee starting a side project.

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): 8093AB92E13A3D48689D
    Udemy UK
    • #Business Fundamentals

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