
Passive Income - 3 Steady Passive Business Models (A-Z)

3 years ago

Passive income businesses that last! Learn how to set up and run 3 long-lasting, steady passive income businesses today!

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Created by: Aarthi Elumalai (Business courses)

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Passive income businesses that last! Learn how to set up and run 3 long-lasting, steady passive income businesses today!

Published en 25 Jan 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • How to set up passive income businesses that'll last for years

  • How to set up 3 different steady businesses that make you money while you sleep

  • A-Z of 3 unique, but powerful business models that can potentially replace your day job

  • How to create an online course business that you can start and run today

  • How to make money teaching pretty much anything, including your obscure hobbies

  • How a course you published 3 years back will still make you a consistent income today

  • How to get sales for your courses and take your business to the next level

  • How to bring sales to your course business and use it to build a brand in the future

  • How to write books and bank every week of every month

  • How to select the right topics to write books on - but topics you actually like writing books on

  • How to bring sales to your books immediately after you publish them

  • The exponential effect of Kindle books and how to utilize them to maximize your income

  • How to use your books exponentially grow your business and brand

  • How to create YouTube channels the right way

  • How to choose channel niches, niches that bring you more ad revenue with less subscribers

  • How to go against the grain but still make it big with YouTube channels

  • How to use your YouTube channel as a stepping stone for something more - something great

  • How to build a symbiotic relationship between all 3 of these business models and explode your income

  • Requisitos

  • A laptop or desktop and an internet connection

  • Descripción

    So, what is passive income? It's income you make while you sleep. Does that mean you can setup a passive income business with no effort? Absolutely not.

    It still takes work. This is no 'get rich quick' scheme. Those don't exist in the real world.

    But, if you want to take a day off, or a week off, or even a month off, you can do so without worrying about losing your income. I do that regularly.

    You do need to put in the effort to build up the business when you get started, and you need to put continued effort to maintain the business, but this isn't what I call an active business.

    Your income doesn't depend on getting the next client or working on the next project. The work you did last year will make you money this year.

    Courses I published 3 years back still make me money every month. How cool is that? 

    So in this course, I'll teach you how to set up 3 such passive income businesses. This isn't just a list of the business models. I'll teach you the exact steps I use when setting up and running these businesses.

    These aren't fly by the night businesses either. These are solid businesses models that, if properly worked on, will make you money for years to come, and could potentially become your main source of income.

    You'll learn the A-Z process on how to set up, run and scale up these 3 business models that can be set up and run by anyone, regardless of skill or geographic location.

    This course has 3 complete business in a boxes! 

    What will you learn from this course? 

    You'll learn:

    1. How to set up passive income businesses that'll last for years

    2. How to set up 3 different steady businesses that make you money while you sleep

    3. A-Z of 3 unique, but powerful business models that can potentially replace your day job

    4. How to create an online course business that you can start and run today

    5. How to make money teaching pretty much anything, including your obscure hobbies

    6. How a course you published 3 years back will still make you a consistent income today

    7. How to get sales for your courses and take your business to the next level

    8. How to bring sales to your course business and use it to build a brand in the future

    9. How to write books and bank every week of every month

    10. How to select the right topics to write books on - but topics you actually like writing books on

    11. How to bring sales to your books immediately after you publish them

    12. The exponential effect of Kindle books and how to utilize them to maximize your income

    13. How to use your books exponentially grow your business and brand

    14. How to create YouTube channels the right way

    15. How to choose channel niches, niches that bring you more ad revenue with less subscribers

    16. How to go against the grain but still big with YouTube channels

    17. How to use your YouTube channel as a stepping stone for something more - something great

    18. How to build a symbiotic relationship between all 3 of these business models and explode your income

    and so much more! 

    This course is for you:

    1. If you'd like to learn how to make passive income that lasts for years

    2. If you want 3 different business models that net you reliable passive income day in and day out with a few hours of work every week

    3. If you've always wanted to work from home and replace your dreadful day job, you have 3 businesses that can help you achieve that with the right amount of smart + hard work

    4. If you wanted a side gig that'll supplement your full-time income without draining your energy every day

    5. If you wanted to start a business that wouldn't completely drain you of your energy and time

    6. If you wanted the flexibility to take a day (or a week, or even a month) off and still make money

    7. If you are a business person who wants to add yet another (or 3) passive income business to your arsenal and learn how to outsource the entire process

    This is what our course covers: 

    Module 1: Introduction & Passive Income Businesses explained - In this module, I’ll give you a brief introduction to passive income, explain what it is and how passive income businesses work and why you should consider setting up businesses like these.

    Module 2: Passive income business #1 - In this module, we'll delve into our very first business model - online courses. I'll teach you everything from choosing the right topic to create your course on, doing your due diligence to make sure that your courses make money, the right steps to publishing your courses, getting sales for your courses, taking your business to the next level and more.

    Module 3: Passive income business #2 - In this module, we'll delve into our next business model - Kindle self publishing. I'll teach you everything from choosing the right category, and then topic to start writing your books on, the exponential effect of Kindle books, the best way to write your books, the exact steps needed to publish your book right and get sales for your books immediately after you publish them. We'll also talk about using your books to build a brand and exponentially increase your income.

    Module 4: Passive income business #3 - In this module, we'll delve into our next business model - YouTube channel. I'll teach you how to create successful channels that bring you steady, and substantial passive income without needing millions of subscribers or views. I'll teach you how to choose the right niche to create channels on, the best (and easy) ways to create your videos, the exact steps I use to promote my videos and grow my channels and last, but not the least, using your YouTube channel to grow your business (outside YouTube) and multiply your income potential per view. 

    So, what are you waiting for? 

    You have a 3 different complete business in a box here! Enroll now and get started immediately. You'll not regret it. :)

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • If you'd like to learn how to make passive income that lasts for years

  • If you want 3 different business models that net you reliable passive income day in and day out with a few hours of work every week

  • If you've always wanted to work from home and replace your dreadful day job, you have 3 businesses that can help you achieve that with the right amount of smart + hard work

  • If you wanted a side gig that'll supplement your full-time income without draining your energy every day

  • If you wanted to start a business that wouldn't completely drain you of your energy and time

  • If you wanted the flexibility to take a day (or a week, or even a month) off and still make money

  • If you are a business person who wants to add yet another (or 3) passive income business to your arsenal and learn how to outsource the entire process

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): FREE_COUPON
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