
Object-Oriented Programming using C# for beginners

2 years ago

Learn how to write your own classes and create objects from them.

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Learn how to write your own classes and create objects from them.

Published en 23 Dec 2021

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What you'll learn

  • Create classes
  • Instantiate Objects
  • Create Methods
  • Add Properties to classes
  • Create Abstract Classes and Methods
  • Implement Encapsulation
  • Implement Inheritance
  • Override Methods
  • Create child or derived classes
  • Requirements

  • Basic knowledge of C# advised
  • Basic knowledge of using Visual studio advised.
  • Description

    object-oriented programming is an approach to programming that

    breaks a programming problem into objects that interact with each other.

    Objects are created from templates known as classes. You can think of a class as

    the blueprint of a building. An object is the actual “building” that we build based

    on the blueprint.

    C# is an object-oriented programming language. The four basic principles of object-oriented programming are:

    Abstraction Modelling the relevant attributes and interactions of entities as classes to define an abstract representation of a system.

    Encapsulation Hiding the internal state and functionality of an object and only allowing access through a public set of functions.

    Inheritance Ability to create new abstractions based on existing abstractions.

    Polymorphism Ability to implement inherited properties or methods in different ways across multiple abstractions.

    Object oriented programming (OOP) is a programming structure where programs are organized around objects as opposed to action and logic. This is essentially a design philosophy that uses a different set of programming languages such as C#. Understanding OOP concepts can help make decisions about how you should design an application and what language to use.

    Everything in OOP is placed together as self-sustainable “objects.” An object is a combination of variables, functions, and data that performs a set of related activities. When the object performs those activities, it defines the object’s behaviour. In addition, an object is an instance of a class.

    Who this course is for:

  • Beginners to Object Oriented Programming using C#

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