
Microsoft Python Certification Practice Questions 98-381

3 years ago

Practice Questions for Microsoft Python Certification - Code 98-381

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Practice Questions for Microsoft Python Certification - Code 98-381

Published en 15 Jan 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • Challenge your understanding of Python

  • Practice and learn aspects of Python you didn't know

  • Requisitos

  • Python Learners. You don't need to be a Python expert. The purpose of this quiz is to make you one.

  • Descripción

    Microsoft’s Python Certification is a beginner level Python Certification exam designed to test the basic knowledge of Python. This practice test will prepare you for the Python Certification by letting you practice on tricky questions that will test your knowledge of basic python.

    Examination Format

    • Type of Questions - Multiple choices, multiple answers, drag & drop, selection from drop-down list

    • Time - 45 minutes

    • Number of Questions - 40

    • Passing Score - 70 %

    Candidates for this exam should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct Python code, recognize data types supported by Python, and be able to recognize and write Python code that will logically solve a given problem.

    Candidates are expected to have had, at a minimum, instruction and/or hands-on experience of approximately 100 hours with the Python programming language, be familiar with its features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug, and maintain well-formed, well documented Python code

    The following areas are measured

    • Perform Operations using Data Types and Operators (20-25%)

    • Perform Input and Output Operations (20-25%)

    • Perform Troubleshooting and Error Handling (5-10%)

    • Control Flow with Decisions and Loops (25-30%)

    • Document and Structure Code (15-20%)

    • Perform Operations Using Modules and Tools (1-5%)


    Perform Operations using Data Types and Operators (20-25%)

    Evaluate an expression to identify the data type Python will assign to each variable.

    • Identify str, int, float, and bool data types

    Perform data and data type operations

    • convert from one data type to another type

    • construct data structures

    • perform indexing and slicing operations

    Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence

    • Assignment

    • Comparison

    • Logical

    • Arithmetic

    • Identity (is)

    • Containment (in)

    Select the appropriate operator to achieve the intended result

    • Assignment

    • Comparison


    Control Flow with Decisions and Loops (25-30%)

    Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements

    • if

    • elif

    • else

    • nested and compound conditional expressions

    Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration

    • while

    • for

    • break

    • continue

    • pass

    • nested loops and loops that include compound conditional expressions


    Perform Input and Output Operations (20-25%)

    Construct and analyze code segments that perform file input and output operations

    • open

    • close

    • read

    • write

    • append

    • check existence

    • delete

    • with statement

    Construct and analyze code segments that perform console input and output operations

    • read input from console

    • print formatted text

    • use of command line arguments


    Document and Structure Code (15-20%)

    Document code segments using comments and documentation strings

    • use indentation, white space, comments, and documentation strings

    • generate documentation by using pydoc

    Construct and analyze code segments that include function definitions

    • call signatures

    • default values

    • return

    • def

    • pass


    Perform Troubleshooting and Error Handling (5-10%)

    Analyze, detect, and fix code segments that have errors

    • syntax errors

    • logic errors

    • runtime errors

    Analyze and construct code segments that handle exceptions

    • try

    • except

    • else

    • finally

    • raise


    Perform Operations Using Modules and Tools (1-5%)

    Perform basic operations using built-in modules

    • math

    • datetime

    • io

    • sys

    • os

    • os.path

    • random

    Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules

    • math

    • datetime

    • random

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Beginner Python learners

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