
Master your relationships for a fulfilling life

2 years ago

Learn to manage your relationships better

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Created by: Tara Khanom

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Learn to manage your relationships better

Published en 06 Dec 2021

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • Why people have problems in their relationships.
  • What factors create blockages in your relationships.
  • What can be done to transform your relationships.
  • Understand how our thinking, emotions and behaviour effects our relationship.
  • Understand how challenges help us grow.
  • Learn to master mind-set to transform the troubles of your relationships.
  • How to use simple powerful techniques that will allow you to lead a life of joy as you finally overcome these challenges.
  • Learn meditation to accept yourself and others as they are.
  • Understand different personalities and how they communicate and behave.
  • Understand what holds us back from forming and maintaining healthy relationship
  • Understand what is holding us back from experiencing joyful relationships.
  • How by developing and strengthenning your qualities, you can achieve better outcomes in forming and maintaining relationships.
  • Implement simple changes in your everyday life that will reward you in the future.
  • Requirements

  • No prior knowledge required. Just an interest to know more about transforming relationships.
  • Description

    Our relationships play a big role in our well-being, fulfilment and success. Human beings are social creatures. We share our achievement, joy, concerns and pain with the people close to us. We rely on others all our life for our sustenance. All-day we are interacting with people around us and face challenges with our loved ones, family members, partner, colleagues, employers, neighbours and so on. One of the major causes of our stress in modern times is due to the problems we have in our relationships. Relationships can challenge us and can serve as our greatest support and opportunity for growth in our life.

    We express our emotions and feelings through our relationships. Research has shown that we are happier and live longer when we have a good network of support around us. How do we maintain that network of support?

    What will I learn from this course?

    In this course, you will learn and experience:

    • Understand how our mind puts people in friend or foe category

    • Learn to master mind-set to transform the troubles of your relationship

    • How to use simple powerful techniques that will allow you to lead a life of joy as you finally overcome these challenges

    • Understand different personalities and how they communicate and behave

    • Boost your knowledge and reap the benefits by transforming your relationships

    • Implement simple changes in your everyday life that will reward you in the future

    Who this course is for:

  • You feel they don’t get you, personality clash, you are walking on egg shell around them, you feel you don’t understand them, you don’t flow naturally when you are with them, you wish they were not in your life, you can’t express your authentic self when you are with them, you are not sure whether you love them or hate them, you can’t relate to them, you notice their mistakes, you feel you can’t be at your best around them because you react, you are not sure what is it about them bothers you. Students of the mind and anyone interested in the psychology of relationship transformation.
  • Anyone looking to gain an insight into how to transform their relationships - whether you need a big change or just a small one

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): A5519D9906AD830B16D9
    Udemy UK

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