
Main Character Creation: A by example guide.

2 years ago

Learn to make Pixel art for your games!

Free USD $59.99

Created by: Thomas Rolfing

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Learn to make Pixel art for your games!

Published en 10 Jan 2022

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • Learn the ins and the outs of pro motion NG by example.
  • Learn to create creative and stunning pixel art for your projects.
  • Learn to make your own character from scratch.
  • Learn to choose colors the way I do it.
  • Requirements

  • The only requirement is that you have some sort of art program like pro motion NG, Asesprite or some related program.
  • Description

    In this course you'll be learning the ins and outs of pro motion NG as you create characters for your game. Be aware that some of the art in the course image may not be in the these are merely just examples of my own work that were created using the techniques taught in this course. In this course we will be making characters that'd be great for a video game.....everything we do will be in pixel art but it can be saved to .png and the like to make importing into your projects; easy and hassle free. Along the way, you'll learn tips and tricks to use in your own projects....some that could save you a lot of time. Especially while outlining a could run into a problem where the work doesn't get saved. Don't make that mistake and create a new layer before hand to get started on your work. In the beginning pixel art may be a daunting task but as you'll doesn't take too much time to become proficient at what you do and I'm sure you'll love your work. By the end of this course, I hope you are able to create your own pixel art without a problem and can work on your own to create stunning and interesting art for your own projects.

    Who this course is for:

  • This course is intended for anyone who is into character design, and or anyone wanting to learn the pro Motion NG Software. Also anyone who is into making pixel art for their own games.

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): FREE1000
    Udemy UK

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