
ECMAScript For Beginners

3 years ago

Practical Learning of New JavaScript Features.

Free USD $59.99

Created by: Bluelime Learning Solutions

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Practical Learning of New JavaScript Features.

Published en 20 Feb 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • Create variables using Let keyword

  • Create variables using const keyword

  • Create and use Arrow functions

  • Use Map method

  • Use spread syntax

  • Create generators

  • Implement string padding

  • Use getters and setters

  • use array find index

  • Perform destructuring

  • Use Template Literals

  • Use Async functions

  • Requisitos

  • Basic JavaScript Knowledge

  • Descripción

    ECMAScript is a standard. While JavaScript is the most popular implementation of that standard. JavaScript implements ECMAScript and builds on top of it.  ES is simply short for ECMAScript. Every time you see ES followed by a number, it is referencing an edition of ECMAScript.

    ECMAScript , has brought about a ton of changes to the JavaScript programming language. In this course, you'll explore  some of those changes to learn about the latest features and improvements to the language including new keywords, arrow functions, the Class syntax, Promises, and so much more.

    This course will cover some ECMAScript features from 1997 -2018

    Topics includes:

    • Using the "use strict" directives

    • Creating variables using let and const keywords

    • Creating generator functions

    • Using getters and setters

    • Using Map function

    • Using template Literals

    • Using Array find Index

    • Using Async Function

    • Destructuring

    • Arrow Functions

    • Classes

    • For of statements

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Beginners to ECMAScript 2015 -2018

  • Anyone who wants to learn something new

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): 12CDE3B37784BE6DE519
    Udemy UK
    • #Ecmascript

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