
JavaScript: ECMAScript 6 y todos sus detalles

2 hours ago

Continua tu evoluci贸n en JavaScript al est谩ndar ES6 y aprende todo lo que esta nueva entrega tiene para ti.

$9.99 USD $74.99

Created by: Fernando Herrera


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Continua tu evoluci贸n en JavaScript al est谩ndar ES6 y aprende todo lo que esta nueva entrega tiene para ti.

Published en 28 Sep 2024

Udemy UK

Lo que aprender谩s

  • Comprender y aplicar las nuevas funciones que tiene ECMAScript 6
  • Tener una base s贸lida para entrar en nuevos Frameworks basados en JavaScript
  • Entender el significado del por qu茅 pasan las cosas en JavaScript
  • Tener un conocimiento avanzado de JavaScript


  • Deben de tener un conocimiento b谩sico de JavaScript: variables, objetos, arreglos y funciones.
  • Este curso se enfoca en explicar las bondades del EcmaScript 6.
  • Si no sabes nada de JavaScript, te recomiendo que tomes mi otro curso: "JavaScript : de cero hasta los detalles"
  • Ganas de aprender y perseverancia.


Are you looking for a course to teach you from the basics to the details of ECMAScript 6?

You are in the right place then, this course aims to hold your hand from your knowledge of ES5 (The standard of JavaScript) and take you to the next level , explaining you not only how to do things in SS6, but show rodeos that They made to solve problems in earlier versions of JavaScript.

This course will help you understand much of what happens in new frameworks that are taking much popularity and strength as React and Angle 2 , without you serve for everything that is based on JavaScript ( typescript, Babel, Node, ionic ... )

This course also aims, be your audio visual hand for when you need to refresh your memory on SS6, with examples, videos and exams.

Take your time watching the videos that are enabled for free , here learn writing code and not making "Copy and Paste" , all code is written and your own will.

To take this course, you must have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, you need to know which are the objects, arrays, variables, functions and basic cycles. But if you're looking to learn JavaScript from scratch, this is not the course you want, but I would recommend you take an introductory JavaScript before.

JavaScript has improved considerably, and it is no time to stay with what we know, technology is advancing rapidly and we must take advantage of everything new that will help us become better developers!

Without further ado, are welcome to this course "ECMAScript 6: Advance your knowledge of JS to level 6"

驴Para qui茅n es este curso?

  • Personas que desean trabajar con TypeScript, Angular2, ionic 2 o cualquier otro framework que utilice JavaScript.
  • Personas que desean profundizar en su conocimiento en JavaScript.
  • Todos aquellos que desean tener una base s贸lida en el ES6.

You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

(Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): SEPTIEMBRE-BEST-2024
Udemy UK
  • #Javascript

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