
DevSecOps Build and Deploy a Website From Scratch (AWS) 2021

3 years ago

Learn React, Express and MongoDB while building a fun to-do list app and Deploy it into AWS Step-By-Step

Free USD $59.99

Created by: Musab Zayadneh

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Learn React, Express and MongoDB while building a fun to-do list app and Deploy it into AWS Step-By-Step

Published en 26 May 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • React fundamentals
  • React with hooks
  • How to create RESTful APIs
  • How to integrate Express with MongoDB
  • How to integrate React with Express
  • How to deploy our website into AWS from the Scratch
  • Using the Latest Best Practices from AWS to deploy the website
  • Cost optimization so that you will not pay extra , only the necessary costs
  • Requisitos

  • A basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript (including ES2015+)
  • Basic Understanding of AWS
  • Descripción

    React is the most popular JavaScript library of the last five years, and the job market is still hotter than ever. Top companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Instagram, PayPal and Twitter are using React in the development of their tools and apps, so there's no reason not to learn it.

    In this course we will begin learning the fundamentals of React such as components, handling forms and more, and we will be digging into the world of hooks. We will be explaining the basic hooks that are commonly used. then we will begin writing our front-end for our to-do list app and we will power it up with our back-end that we're going to write as well. After all of that, we will deploy our website into AWS and we will be using the latest best practices .

    So in summary, in this course we will talk about:

    • React fundamentals

    • React hooks

    • How to create RESTful APIs

    • How to integrate Express with MongoDB

    • How to integrate React with Express

    • How to deploy our website into AWS from the Scratch

    • Using the Latest Best Practices from AWS to deploy the website 

    • Cost optimization so that you will not pay extra , only the necessary costs

    There are no prerequisites. Just a basic understanding of HTML and, because you're learning React, you should have a bit of knowledge of JavaScript with its new standards (ES 2015+) , also you should be familiar a little bit in AWS and the Cloud Concept

    Am I eligible for this course? Yes, if you are one of the below:

    • Developers looking to learn React

    • Developers tired of writing jQuery code and want to step up their skills.

    • Developers trying to build apps with React

    • Developers trying to learn full stack development

    • Developers trying to learn how to build a RESTful API

    • Developers looking to start into freelancing

    • Hobbyists trying to enjoy their time by building a fun app

    • DevOps Engineers that want to learn how to deploy Websites

    • DevOps Engineers that want to learn the best practices for Web App Deployment

    • DevSecOps Engineers

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Developers looking to learn React
  • Developers tired of writing jQuery code and want to step up their skills.
  • Developers trying to build apps with React
  • Developers trying to learn full stack development
  • Developers trying to learn how to build a RESTful API
  • Developers looking to start into freelancing
  • Hobbyists trying to enjoy their time by building a fun app
  • DevOps Engineers that want to learn how to deploy Websites
  • DevOps Engineers that want to learn the best practices for Web App Deployment
  • DevSecOps Engineers

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): WONDERFUL4U
    Udemy UK
    • #Devsecops

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