
Data Science with Python Certification Training with Project

3 years ago

Start your career as Data Scientist from scratch. Learn Data Science with Python. Predict trends with advanced analytics

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Start your career as Data Scientist from scratch. Learn Data Science with Python. Predict trends with advanced analytics

Published en 10 Dec 2020

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • End-to-end knowledge of Data Science

  • Prepare for a career path as Data Scientist / Consultant

  • Overview of Python programming and its application in Data Science

  • Detailed level programming in Python - Loops, Tuples, Dictionary, List, Functions & Modules, etc.

  • Decision-making and Regular Expressions

  • Introduction to Data Science Libraries

  • Components of Python Ecosystem

  • Analysing Data using Numpy and Pandas

  • Data Visualisation with Matplotlib

  • Three-Dimensional Plotting with Matplotlib

  • Data Visualisation with Seaborn

  • Introduction to Statistical Analysis - Math and Statistics

  • Terminologies & Categories of Statistics, Correlation, Mean, Median, Mode, Quartile

  • Data Science Methodology - From Problem to Approach, From Requirements to Collection, From Understanding to Preparation

  • Data Science Methodology - From Modeling to Evaluation, From Deployment to Feedback

  • Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Types of Machine Learning - Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement

  • Regression Analysis - Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression

  • Implementing Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression

  • Classification, Classification algorithms, Logistic Regression

  • Decision Tree, Implementing Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Implementing SVM

  • Clustering, Clustering Algorithms, K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering

  • Agglomerative & Divisive Hierarchical clustering

  • Implementation of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

  • Association Rule Learning

  • Apriori algorithm - working and implementation

  • Requisitos

  • Enthusiasm and determination to make your mark on the world!

  • Descripción

    Data Science with Python Programming - Course Syllabus

    1. Introduction to Data Science

    • Introduction to Data Science

    • Python in Data Science

    • Why is Data Science so Important?

    • Application of Data Science

    • What will you learn in this course?

    2. Introduction to Python Programming

    • What is Python Programming?

    • History of Python Programming

    • Features of Python Programming

    • Application of Python Programming

    • Setup of Python Programming

    • Getting started with the first Python program

    3. Variables and Data Types

    • What is a variable?

    • Declaration of variable

    • Variable assignment

    • Data types in Python

    • Checking Data type

    • Data types Conversion

    • Python programs for Variables and Data types

    4. Python Identifiers, Keywords, Reading Input, Output Formatting

    • What is an Identifier?

    • Keywords

    • Reading Input

    • Taking multiple inputs from user

    • Output Formatting

    • Python end parameter

    5. Operators in Python

    • Operators and types of operators

              - Arithmetic Operators

              - Relational Operators

              - Assignment Operators

              - Logical Operators

              - Membership Operators

              - Identity Operators

              - Bitwise Operators

    • Python programs for all types of operators

    6. Decision Making

    • Introduction to Decision making

    • Types of decision making statements

    • Introduction, syntax, flowchart and programs for

         - if statement

         - if…else statement

         - nested if

    • elif statement

    7. Loops

    • Introduction to Loops

    • Types of loops

         - for loop

         - while loop

         - nested loop

    • Loop Control Statements

    • Break, continue and pass statement

    • Python programs for all types of loops

    8. Lists

    • Python Lists

    • Accessing Values in Lists

    • Updating Lists

    • Deleting List Elements

    • Basic List Operations

    • Built-in List Functions and Methods for list

    9. Tuples and Dictionary

    • Python Tuple

    • Accessing, Deleting Tuple Elements

    • Basic Tuples Operations

    • Built-in Tuple Functions & methods

    • Difference between List and Tuple

    • Python Dictionary

    • Accessing, Updating, Deleting Dictionary Elements

    • Built-in Functions and Methods for Dictionary

    10. Functions and Modules

    • What is a Function?

    • Defining a Function and Calling a Function

    • Ways to write a function

    • Types of functions

    • Anonymous Functions

    • Recursive function

    • What is a module?

    • Creating a module

    • import Statement

    • Locating modules

    11. Working with Files

    • Opening and Closing Files

    • The open Function

    • The file Object Attributes

    • The close() Method

    • Reading and Writing Files

    • More Operations on Files

    12. Regular Expression

    • What is a Regular Expression?

    • Metacharacters

    • match() function

    • search() function

    • re.match() vs

    • findall() function

    • split() function

    • sub() function

    13. Introduction to Python Data Science Libraries

    • Data Science Libraries

    • Libraries for Data Processing and Modeling

        - Pandas

        - Numpy

        - SciPy

        - Scikit-learn

    • Libraries for Data Visualization

        - Matplotlib

        - Seaborn

        - Plotly

    14. Components of Python Ecosystem

    • Components of Python Ecosystem

    • Using Pre-packaged Python Distribution: Anaconda

    • Jupyter Notebook

    15. Analysing Data using Numpy and Pandas

    • Analysing Data using Numpy & Pandas

    • What is numpy? Why use numpy?

    • Installation of numpy

    • Examples of numpy

    • What is ‘pandas’?

    • Key features of pandas

    • Python Pandas - Environment Setup

    • Pandas – Data Structure with example

    • Data Analysis using Pandas

    16. Data Visualisation with Matplotlib

    • Data Visualisation with Matplotlib

        - What is Data Visualisation?

        - Introduction to Matplotlib

        - Installation of Matplotlib

    • Types of data visualization charts/plots

        - Line chart, Scatter plot

        - Bar chart, Histogram

        - Area Plot, Pie chart

        - Boxplot, Contour plot

    17. Three-Dimensional Plotting with Matplotlib

    • Three-Dimensional Plotting with Matplotlib

        - 3D Line Plot

        - 3D Scatter Plot

        - 3D Contour Plot

        - 3D Surface Plot

    18. Data Visualisation with Seaborn

    • Introduction to seaborn

    • Seaborn Functionalities

    • Installing seaborn

    • Different categories of plot in Seaborn

    • Exploring Seaborn Plots

    19. Introduction to Statistical Analysis

    • What is Statistical Analysis?

    • Introduction to Math and Statistics for Data Science

    • Terminologies in Statistics – Statistics for Data Science

    • Categories in Statistics

    • Correlation

    • Mean, Median, and Mode

    • Quartile

    20. Data Science Methodology (Part-1)

    Module 1: From Problem to Approach

    • Business Understanding

    • Analytic Approach

    Module 2: From Requirements to Collection

    • Data Requirements

    • Data Collection

    Module 3: From Understanding to Preparation

    • Data Understanding

    • Data Preparation

    21. Data Science Methodology (Part-2)

    Module 4: From Modeling to Evaluation

    • Modeling

    • Evaluation

    Module 5: From Deployment to Feedback

    • Deployment

    • Feedback


    22. Introduction to Machine Learning and its Types

    • What is a Machine Learning?

    • Need for Machine Learning

    • Application of Machine Learning

    • Types of Machine Learning

        - Supervised learning

        - Unsupervised learning

        - Reinforcement learning

    23. Regression Analysis

    • Regression Analysis

    • Linear Regression

    • Implementing Linear Regression

    • Multiple Linear Regression

    • Implementing Multiple Linear Regression

    • Polynomial Regression

    • Implementing Polynomial Regression

    24. Classification

    • What is Classification?

    • Classification algorithms

    • Logistic Regression

    • Implementing Logistic Regression

    • Decision Tree

    • Implementing Decision Tree

    • Support Vector Machine (SVM)

    • Implementing SVM

    25. Clustering

    • What is Clustering?

    • Clustering Algorithms

    • K-Means Clustering

    • How does K-Means Clustering work?

    • Implementing K-Means Clustering

    • Hierarchical Clustering

    • Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering

    • How does Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering Work?

    • Divisive Hierarchical Clustering

    • Implementation of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

    26. Association Rule Learning

    • Association Rule Learning

    • Apriori algorithm

    • Working of Apriori algorithm

    • Implementation of Apriori algorithm

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Data Scientists

  • Data Analysts / Data Consultants

  • Senior Data Scientists / Data Analytics Consultants

  • Newbies and beginners aspiring for a career in Data Science

  • Data Engineers

  • Machine Learning Engineers

  • Software Engineers and Programmers

  • Python Developers

  • Data Science Managers

  • Machine Learning / Data Science SMEs

  • Digital Data Analysts

  • Anyone interested in Data Science, Data Analytics, Data Engineering

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): DATA_SCIENCE_UPLATZ
    Udemy UK
    • #Python

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