
Face Mask Recognition Desktop App with Deep Learning & PyQT

2 years ago

Learn and Build Face Recognition for Face Mask Detection Desktop App using Python, TensorFlow 2, OpenCV, PyQT, Qt

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Created by: Srikanth Gusksra

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Learn and Build Face Recognition for Face Mask Detection Desktop App using Python, TensorFlow 2, OpenCV, PyQT, Qt

Published en 29 Dec 2021

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • Face Recognition for Mask detection with Deep Learning
  • Develop Convolutional Network Network for Face Mask from Scratch using TensorFlow
  • Preprocess the big data of image
  • OpenCV for Face Detection
  • Computer Vision Desktop Application with PyQt
  • PyQt Essential Concepts
  • Requirements

  • Basic Python Knowledge
  • Familiar with Tensor Flow and Deep Learning
  • Familiar with Numpy and Pandas
  • Description

    Project that you will be Developing:

    Prerequisite of Project: OpenCV

    1. Image Processing with OpenCV

    Section -0 : Setting Up Project

    1. Install Python

    2. Install Dependencies

    Section -1 : Data Preprocessing

    1. Gather Images

    2. Extract Faces only from Images

    3. Labeling (Target output) Images

    4. Data Preprocessing

      1. RGB mean subtraction image

    Section - 2: Develop Deep Learning Model

    1. Training Face Recognition with OWN Deep Learning Model.

      1. Convolutional Neural Network

    2. Model Evaluation

    Section - 3: Prediction with CNN Model

    1. Putting All together

    Section - 4: PyQT Basics

    Section -5: PyQt based Desktop Application


    I will start the course by installing Python and installing the necessary libraries in Python for developing the end-to-end project. Then I will teach you one of the prerequisites of the course that is image processing techniques in OpenCV and the mathematical concepts behind the images. We will also do the necessary image analysis and required preprocessing steps for the images. Then we will do a mini project on Face Detection using OpenCV and Deep Neural Networks.

    With the concepts of image basics, we will then start our project phase-1, face identity recognition. I will start this phase with preprocessing images, we will extract features from the images using deep neural networks. Then with the features of faces, we will train the different Deep learning models like Convolutional Neural Network.  I will teach you the model selection and hyperparameter tuning for face recognition models

    Once our Deep learning model is ready, will we move to Section-3, and write the code for preforming predictions with CNN model.

    Finally, we will develop the desktop application and make prediction to live video streaming.

    What are you waiting for? Start the course develop your own Computer Vision Flask Desktop Application Project using Machine Learning, Python and Deploy it in Cloud with your own hands.

    Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who want to develop face recognition application

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): 4F8280D29ABE69FCF624
    Udemy UK

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