
Core Java bootcamp program with Hands on practice: Java SE

2 years ago

Java for Everyone

Free USD $19.99

Created by: Prashant Mishra

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Java for Everyone

Published en 23 May 2022

Udemy UK

What you'll learn

  • This course is specially designed for students and working professionals, who are willing to learn java to grab their dream job.
  • Core Java + Hand-On programming
  • A basic Project to make sure to have a check on your knowledge.
  • You will get full and proper guiding of do's and dont's as a beginner and will ace it in no extra efforts.


  • If you are having any prior knowledge, that will make this course a little bit easier and faster for you to learn. But you actually don’t have to have prior knowledge necessary for taking this course. This course is designed in a very simple & precise way, that even a ten-year-old kid can take this course and become a super-coder.
  • A general english language knowledge


Course Description

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Basically, we will be learning Java from the very beginning to the advanced level along with hands-on programming.

This course consists of all the topics and chapters in a very well-organized manner and our videos are industry verified, which makes you industry-ready.

Java is considered an OOPs programming language, which means it uses Classes & Objects to run programs. You don’t know about classes & objects? No issues, we will cover everything inside our course.

  1. Intro

    • What is Java + setting up environment+ Hello World + Applications

    • History of java

    • Features of Java

    • Hello world program

    • How to set Path

    • JDK, JRE and JVM

    • Java variables

    • Data Types

    • Operators

    • Keywords

  2. Control Statements

    • If else

    • Switch

    • For loop

    • While loop

    • Do while loop

    • Break

    • Continue

    • Comments

  1. Java Object Class

    • OOPs Concepts

    • Naming Conventions

    • Object and class

    • Method

    • Constructor

    • Static keyword

    • This keyword

  2. Java Inheritance

    • Inheritance

    • Aggregation (will cover in last)

  1. Polymorphism

    • Method Overloading

    • Method Overriding

    • Covariant return type (will cover in last)

    • Super keyword

    • Instance Initializer block

    • Final keyword

    • Runtime polymorphism

    • Dynamic Binding

    • Instance of Operator

  2. Java Abstraction

    • Abstract class

    • Interface

    • Abstract vs Interface

  1. Encapsulation

    • Package

    • Access modifiers

    • Encapsulation

  2. Java Array

  3. OOPS Misc

    • Object Cloning

    • Math class

    • Wrapper class

    • Java recursion

    • Call by value

    • Javadoc tool

    • Command line arg


  • What is String

  • Immutable String

  • String Comparison

  • String Concatenation

  • Substring

  • Methods of String class

  • StringBuffer class

  • StringBuilder class

  • String vs StringBuffer

  • String vs StringBuilder

  • Creating Immutable class

  • toString Method

  • String Tokenizer class

  1. String Methods

    • charAt()

    • compareTo

    • concat

    • contains

    • endsWith

    • equals

    • equalsIgnoreCase

    • format()

    • getBytes

    • getChars

    • indexOf

    • Intern

    • isEmpty

    • join

    • lastIndexOf

    • length

    • replace

    • replaceAll

    • split

    • startswith

    • substring

    • toCharArray

    • toLowerCase

    • toUpperCase

    • trim

    • valueOf

  1. Regex

  2. Exception Handling

    • Exceptions

    • Try-catch block

    • Multiple catch Block

    • Nested Try

    • Finally Block

    • Throw Keyword

    • Exception Propagation

    • Throws Keyword

    • Throw vs Throws

    • Final vs Finally vs Finalize

    • Exception handling with method overriding

    • Java custom exceptions

    • Quiz related to exceptions

  1. Inner Class

    • Inner class

    • Member inner class

    • Anonymous inner class

    • Local inner class

    • Static nested class

    • Nested interface

Bonus Lecture (will be coming by April 2022)

  1. Multithreading

    • Multithreading

    • Life cycle of a thread

    • Creating thread

    • Thread scheduler

    • Sleeping a thread

    • Starting a thread twice

    • Calling run() method

    • Joining a thread

    • Naming a thread

    • Thread Priority

    • Daemon Thread

    • Thread Pool

    • Thread Group

    • Thread Group

    • ShutdownHook

    • Performing Multiple task

    • Runtime class

    • Quiz

  2. Synchronization

    • Synchronization in java

    • Synchronized block

    • Static synchronization

    • Deadlock in java

    • Inter thread comm

    • Interrupting Thread

    • Reentrant Monitor

  3. Java I/O

    • Java Input/Output

    • FileOutputStream

    • FileInputStream

    • BufferedOutputStream

    • BufferedInputStream

    • SequenceInputStream

    • ByteArrayOutputStream

    • ByteArrayInputStream

    • DataOutputStream

    • DataInputStream

    • FIlterOutputStream

    • FilterInputStream

    • ObjectStream

    • ObjectStreamField

    • Cosnole

    • FilePermission

    • Writer

    • Reader

    • Filewritter

    • Filereader

    • Bufferedwritter

    • bufferedReader

    • CharArrayReader

    • CharArrayWritter

    • PrintStream

    • PrintWritter

    • OutputStreamWritter

    • InputStreamReader

    • PushBackInputStream

    • PushbackReader

    • StringWritter

    • StringReader

    • PipedWritter

    • PipedReader

    • File

    • FileDescriptor

    • RandomAcessFile

    • Java.util.Scanner

Course Objective

This course is specially designed for students and working professionals, who are willing to learn java to grab their dream job.

Our Java course is industry verified, which means it meets all the requirements one should have about java, especially when they are looking for some career goals.

Our main objective is to make it a cakewalk for you.

Who can take this course?

This course is for naïve programmers as well as pro coders. We have covered every single detail from very scratch to advance level. I guaranty that, this is one of the best courses you can ever purchase, and this is worth every penny.

Our course prices are so affordable that you even don’t need to ask your parents to buy this course for you, you yourself can buy this with your pocket money. And you will have lifetime access to our courses.

Prerequisite Knowledge

If you are having any prior knowledge, that will make this course a little bit easier and faster for you to learn. But you actually don’t have to have prior knowledge necessary for taking this course.

This course is designed in a very simple & precise way, that even a ten-year-old kid can take this course and become a super-coder.

Career Opportunities and Benefits

This course is almost like the lost key of your success, and as soon as you unlock this course, all gates of your success will get opened.

Here are some more reasons you should definitely choose Java:

  1. Java is easy to learn, and this is the best purpose to start learning it now.

  2. Java is Object Oriented Programming language, which is preferred by many IT companies.

  3. It is very much considered in Placements.

  4. For solving DSA problems, Java is the most favorable language, and a person with good command over DSA can get selected in Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, or some other similar companies.

  5. It is one of the best and Powerful development tools.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for naïve programmers as well as pro coders. We have covered every single detail from very scratch to advance level. I guaranty that, this is one of the best courses you can ever purchase, and this is worth every penny. Our course prices are so affordable that you even don’t need to ask your parents to buy this course for you, you yourself can buy this with your pocket money. And you will have lifetime access to our courses.
  • This course could be completely understood by naive users as well as working professionals.

You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

(Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): F0640CE447E5664AE316
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