
Cognitive Biases in Persuasion and Sales

3 years ago

Covering the usual fallacies, biases and problems in our thinking and behavior.

Free USD $59.99

Created by: Vasco Patrício

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Covering the usual fallacies, biases and problems in our thinking and behavior.

Published en 30 Dec 2020

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • How to identify and address the most common cognitive biases in executive situations

  • How to prevent - or at least mitigate - falling into cognitive traps

  • Requisitos

  • Have a basic knowledge of how you behave and think

  • Descripción

    In this course, we will cover the usual cognitive biases, fallacies, and other errors and distortions in human behavior and thinking.

    These can be caused by external triggers, skewed perceptions, other people, and/or many other triggers. Although it's not always easy to simply "fix" these biases, a thorough understanding of them is the first step to changing perception and behavior.

    You will learn about both frequent and unknown/obscure biases including:
    - Loss aversion;
    - Time discounting and baseline discounting;
    - Perceived depth and effort manipulation;
    - Anchoring, framing and context manipulation;

    ... As well as many others!

    The course is presented in a reference guide format. In short, lessons are not sequential or dependent. You can take any specific section and watch it, and the contents will be encapsulated. But naturally, for someone watching the whole course in one go, things will be sequential and ordered.

    If this seems the course for you, let's begin!

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Anybody looking to improve their thinking and behavior

  • Salesmen looking to understand buyer behavior

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): A6949D41B9108564071E
    Udemy UK

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