
Become a Permutations and Combinations Master

3 years ago

Learn everything from Permutations and Combinations with 60+ solved examples

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Created by: Shilank Singh

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Learn everything from Permutations and Combinations with 60+ solved examples

Published en 11 Jan 2021

Udemy UK

Lo que aprenderás

  • Fundamental Principal of Counting

  • Factorial

  • Different cases of Permutations such as word formation, Circular Permutations, etc.

  • Different cases of Combinations such as selection of teams.

  • Application of Permutations and Combinations to Number Theory

  • Division into Groups

  • Arrangements in Groups

  • Derangements

  • Application of Multinomial Theorem to solve problem of Permutations and Combinations

  • To find number of rectangles and squares in a given block of squares arranged in the form of rectangles or squares

  • Exponent of Prime p in n!

  • Some other important results

  • Requisitos

  • Fundamental of Maths

  • Basic Arithmetics

  • Descripción


    This course deals with concepts required for the study of Probability and Statistics. Statistics is a branch of science that is an outgrowth of the Theory of Probability. Permutations and Combinations are used in both Statistics and Probability ; and they in turn involve operations with factorial notation.

    This 50+ lecture course includes video explanations of everything from Permutations and Combinations, and it includes more than 60+ examples (with detailed solutions) to help you test your understanding along the way. Become a Permutations and Combinations Master is organized into the following sections:

    • Fundamental Principle of Counting
    • Factorial
    • Permutations including Circular Permutations
    • Combinations
    • Application to Number Theory
    • Division into Groups
    • Arrangements in Groups
    • Derangements
    • Multinomial Theorem
    • Number of Rectangles and Squares
    • Exponent of Prime p in n!
    • Important Results to remember

    ¿Para quién es este curso?

  • Current Permutations and Combinations students, or students about to start Permutations and Combinations who are looking to get ahead

  • Students of Probability and Statistics, as Permutations and Combinations is the prerequisite course to Probability and Statistics.

  • Anyone who wants to study maths and statistics for fun after being away from school for a while

  • You should keep in mind that the Coupons last a maximum of 4 days or until 1000 registrations are exhausted, but it can expire anytime. Get the course with coupon by clicking on the following button:

    (Coupon valid for the first 1000 registrations): FREEPERCOM3
    Udemy UK

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